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Ceramic bowls students painted for "Empty Bowls" charity project


Campus ministry changes the lives of students. But don't take our word for it. Listen to what former students say today, "looking back" on their experiences with campus ministry programs in West Virginia. 


I stumbled into the Christian Center for a PROWL meeting the first or second week of my freshman year, and that turned out to be one of the best things that happened to me during my college years. I had found a group where my faith and values could evolve as I learned from and volunteered with others of varied backgrounds and belief systems. 


My parents and the church I grew up in gave me a good foundation, but without my involvement in the campus ministry program I doubt I would be as active as I am in my church today. Participating in outreach and the planning of service projects taught me how to find my niche in a congregation, and built the confidence I needed to step up where I could help. Now, 10 years later, I feel drawn to the seminary, which probably never would have occurred to me if not for my experiences through the Campus Christian Center. Campus ministry was a wonderful blessing for me.


Nicole Pickens

Communications and Marketing

Columbus, Ohio

"The reason why I think D&E is such a great institution goes far beyond academics. I have always thought that it is crucial to possess balance in life, and I found balance by being guided in a beautiful spiritual journey with the help of our Chaplain. I was able to shape my faith and build a strong internal balance – I learned that love is the power that drives my life and it is the single, most important value that connects me with God." - Agustin Ochoa


A paragraph on Faith

"Lately I've been thinking a lot about my faith, and I haven't been questioning it, but I've realized how important to me it really is. I'm not the type of person to talk about it, or post things about it, but that doesn't mean that it's not one of the biggest things in my life. Last night laying there I prayed 3 different times, not only asking for favors, but just talking to God. Each time was better, and I couldn't help but smile when I finished with the words Amen. I don't see how just because I don't overly show how dedicated to my faith I am can say anything about me not being who I claim to be, when the fact it I pray and talk to the big guy at least 4 to 5 times a day. Why people ask? Because when I feel at my lowest, and most lonely, I know that there is one being that I can count on. He's always there for me, and he's never failed to get me through literally anything, good or bad. I want to thank Kevin Starcher for the past couple of years, for really showing me even if he didn't know it how amazing God is in my life. Now I'm going to continue to not post things about my faith, and the only reason behind that is, because I don't need other people to see things that make me who I am. I know where I stand with my beliefs, and in saying that I am a man of God, and I don't need to prove that to anyone but myself. In conclusion... God is Good." - Hunter Fath

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